God's Plan For Man Final
Introduction Throughout the ages, mysteries were kept secret, but were always portrayed in three different ways in three time periods with one mission. The number 333 represents the Trinity or three persons in One God. One number represents three distinct yet inseparable persons; the Divine Will is the spiritual force that binds them together as one. While the Trinity does represent three persons, it does not represent three Gods, for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit act on behalf of one another: three separate entities that are united in one purpose. God’s Plan For Man is an inspiration that was conceived in the mind of God before mankind was created [given a soul], for man is essential to the Divine Plan! This Plan is articulated in three parts: (Part One) The Father spiritually inspires prophetic realities through the minds of the prophets. (Part Two) The Son perfectly spoke the Father’s words confirming prophesy and giving testimony for another in the future, and (Part Three) the Holy Spirit acting on behalf of the Father confirming the testimony of the Son, as one is anointed to testify about Jesus, in order to provide a living testimony that unlocks the mysteries heretofore held secret. As the counselor, he prepares humanity for what is yet to come because it is now made known. Your mind will certainly twist and turn as you reflect on what is contained herein, and the tests will be many. But continue to focus on Jesus’ words, and what was meant by what He said. If it’s difficult to comprehend consider this: have you ever tried to consume frozen juice concentrate? Well, trying to convey wisdom is similar. The analogy is like placing a very small drop of orange juice concentrate into two gallons of water and expecting it to be orange juice; or two gallons of concentrate with two drops of water expecting them to be pleasant to the taste. Too much is too strong and too little is not quite enough. There is no perfect or easy way to express wisdom because truth is not pleasing to all at one time. A Divine Will desires that all of humanity comprehend the mind of God, but the progress is slow as people try to grasp what is offered. In the same way, we must add the spirit in small or large quantities for a pleasant taste for it to be easily palatable.
In the correct spiritual proportions you will find this book very pleasing to
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